why let dough rest

Why Should You Let Dough Rest and How Long?

Letting the dough rest for a while is an important step in the bread-making process, which cannot be skipped if you want a flavorful, light, and airy texture of your bread. Many professional bakers keep their dough for a longer time to bring out its brighter flavor and crispiness. 

In this guide, we will provide you with knowledge on the purposes of keeping the dough rest, as well as the consequences of skipping it. Also, you will get to know the proper way of keeping it for resting. 

Why Let Dough Rest?

Resting dough has several purposes, but the primary purposes are hydrating the flour, gluten expansion, rise of the dough, and enhancing complex flavor. 

1. Hydrating the Flour

Flour needs time to absorb water and while it’s absorbing, the gluten gradually develops in it. This gluten helps the bread to form into its shape and structure. So, resting the flour gives ample time to hydrate the flour for more gluten development. 

2. Gluten Expansion

Resting the dough properly allows the gluten to expand and relax, making it more flexible for kneading. It also helps the dough become more elastic, which makes it easy to shape. 

3. Rise Higher

When the dough is allowed to rest, the yeast in the dough gets time to feed sugars and release carbon dioxide (CO2) due to slow rise. This carbon dioxide helps the dough to rise, and if the yeast doesn’t get time to produce carbon dioxide, it will make the dough flat and unpleasant. 

4. Enhance Complex Flavor

Keeping the dough rest for a longer period enhances the flavor a lot more. It happens due to the fermentation of the yeast to release carbon dioxide. 

purposes of resting dough

What Happens if I Don’t Rest My Dough?

The potential outcomes you might encounter if you don’t let your dough rest are given below. 

  • The yeast will not get ample time to release carbon dioxide (CO2), which will make the dough unpleasant and flat. 
  • The dough might end up with a rubbery and denser texture. 
  • The dough will not rise into its shape and texture for not enough gluten development. 
  • The dough will be less airy and flavorful, which will reduce the taste. 
  • The dough will not be easy to roll out for kneading due to insufficient fermentation and as a result, the crust will be chewy. 
what happens if don’t rest my dough

How to Let Dough Rest?

The resting process starts after kneading and mixing all the ingredients of the dough. Here are the steps that you can follow to let your dough rest for a while for proper shape, texture, and flavor.

  • After kneading, shape the dough into a ball, and cover it with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel in a clean bowl. This will keep the moisture trapped and prevent it from drying out. 
  • Keep the bowl at a warm and humid temperature, it can be on top of the water heater, or refrigerator. Also, you can keep it in the oven with the light on. This will allow the moisture to help the dough to rise. 
  • Let it rest for 15-30 minutes, or you can keep it longer, depending on your recipe and the type of dough you are using. 
  • Don’t disturb the dough until the resting period ends, this will allow the dough to relax and develop its gluten content. 
  • Once the resting period ends, check the dough, by that time the dough will increase its size and the texture of the dough will be lot smoother than before. 
  • After that, remove the dough balls from the bowl, and start shaping, proofing, and baking based on your recipe.

How Long Should I Rest Dough?

You can keep the dough for rest between 15 to 30 minutes, but the time entirely depends on the humidity level of the surrounding environment, and the recipe you are trying to make. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Every Type of Dough Need to Be Rested?

Yes, every type of dough needs to be rested for a certain time for the flavor and the gluten to develop. Pizza and Bread dough are highly benefited from resting, and they take more time than any other type of dough. However, the time depends on the specific recipe and the environment in which you are making the dough. 

Can I Skip Resting Dough if I Use a Stand Mixer?

Stand mixer speeds up gluten development and improves the dough, but it does not let you skip the resting process of the dough. Resting the dough is an important process in baking, and the benefit of using a stand mixer is that it will only reduce the time of resting and you don’t have to use your hand for kneading. 

can i skip resting dough if i use a stand mixer

How Long Should I Knead Dough in a Stand Mixer?

Kneading dough in a stand mixer usually takes about 8-10 minutes, depending on the type of dough and the surrounding environment. It is recommended to knead the dough carefully in a stand mixer because there is a high chance for the dough to get over-kneaded when you are not experienced working on it. Over-kneading can make the dough tough and makes it difficult to work with. 

Can I Let the Dough Rest Overnight?

Yes, you can let the dough rest overnight. To do so, you have to keep the dough in the refrigerator because it slows down the yeast activity ten times more than keeping it at room temperature.

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